Hello, I'm

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My Passion for Entrepreneurship

I co-founded and am the CEO of TheraMe AI, inspired by a personal story of someone close to me who went through a mental health crisis. Backed by Microsoft with $100,000 in Azure Credits, TheraMe AI is trusted by the Peel District School Board. Founding Debate AI, I identified the need for a platform to enhance students' debate skills. As the founder and president of my school's debate club, I am dedicated to fostering growth and innovation.

My Passion for Technology

I am deeply passionate about creating solutions to real-world problems. I developed SignEase to teach people sign language using machine learning, Trash-Snap to identify and sort waste effectively with AI, GestationalCare to support women during pregnancy, and DocNote to save resources and improve patient outcomes in the healthcare sector.

My Passion for Art

Since a young age, I have loved to create. My artistic journey spans a variety of mediums, from oil paintings to comic book art, blending creativity with storytelling.

Get In Touch

I'm always open to exploring new opportunities and challenges. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate, feel free to reach out to me. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.